Preparation of Breydel bacon with Peppadew mustard on the BBQ
For the preparation of the Breydel bacon we choose the Barbecook Carlo. This trendy on-the-go charcoal barbecue can be lit in no time. Fill the charcoal tray with a layer of charcoal and 3 Barbecook lighter cubes. Light the lighter with a match or lighter and turn the fan fully open. Wait until a white layer of ash appears on the charcoal and add some additional charcoal. Wait again. After this, put the lid on the charcoal tray and place the grill on top of the Carlo. After this, the Carlo is ready to grill.
Place the slices of Breydel bacon on the Carlo and let them grill gently. Turn the slices regularly using one of Barbecook’s grill tongs. Remove the slices of Breydel bacon from your Carlo charcoal barbecue as soon as it looks nice and crispy. Then cut the Breydel bacon into equal cubes and serve with some Peppadew mustard.
The perfect aperitif for epicureans!
Breydel bacon
Breydel bacon is traditionally produced. The bacon comes from the belly of the pig. The pork belly is placed in the marinade with respect for the ripening time. It’s then sprinkled with herbs and baked in the oven. Since 2013, Breydelspek is officially recognized as a regional product in Flanders, Belgium.

Peppadew mustard
Peppadew mustard is a smooth mustard made from Peppadew peppers. These are sweet and spicy peppers that originate from South Africa. The mustard has a slightly spicy flavor and goes perfectly with a piece of grilled meat, such as Breydel bacon. The Peppadew mustard can also be used as the basis for a slightly spicy dressing. Plenty of possibilities!
Extra flavour?
Do you like extra flavour? Let the meat marinate overnight in a marinade of your choice. Choose the Barbecook sauce pan with marinade brush or the Barbecook marinade injector to apply/inject the marinade.