Cuberdons, what?
A cuberdon is made of sugar mass, acacia gum and natural aromas based on raspberry and red fruit. The history books reveal that the cuberdon recipe was discovered by accident by a pharmacist in Ghent. Since then, it has been impossible to imagine ‘Ghent’s Groentenmarkt’ without cuberdons. At the beginning of 2015, the ‘neuzekes war’ took place on this square. Meanwhile, there are already numerous variants of the well-known cuberdons. They are also for sale with the flavour of lemon, banana, pineapple, kiwi, violets, anise... but the original cuberdons remain our ultimate favorite.
Preparation of a papillot with red fruit and cuberdons on the BBQ
We prepare this delicious summer dessert on Barbecook's Edson charcoal barbecue. This is a 2-in-1 BBQ: the barbecue can also be perfectly used as a bar table, ideal for some drinks before and/or after your barbecue party.
Light the Edson BBQ by using a charcoal starter. Place a few lighter cubes on the bottom grid and then place the charcoal starter on top. Pour the starter full of charcoal and light the lighter cubes through one of the holes at the bottom of the charcoal starter. Pour the glowing coals into the bowl as soon as they are covered with a thin layer of grey ash. Let's go!
Cut the strawberries into pieces. Mix the strawberries with the blueberries and raspberries. Pour the bottle of cherry beer over the fruit. Cut the cuberdons in half and add them to the fruit. Fill four barbecue bags with fruit and the cuberdon pieces. Grill the barbecue bags for about 20 minutes on the Edson BBQ. Be careful when you take the barbecue bags off the BBQ, as they will be very hot. Barbecook's red gloves provide optimal protection during grilling.
Pour the packages into nice bowls and serve with a scoop of strawberry ice cream.
A finger-licking dessert!